Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Scenic Drive on Highway 16

Highlights of the Texas Hill Country include the dramatic scenery on Highway 16 between Fredericksburg and Kerrville. Aromatic scents of fall and breathtaking views of of the countryside are what this road has to offer. Overall the 22 miles offer complete bliss to anyone out for a Sunday drive (even if it is Tuesday).
But don't be surprised if you're mowed off the road by big Texas 4x4 or soccer mom in her SUV. If you're not doing at least the speed limit ( 70 mph ) or usually over that, you will be angrily tailgated by those that are in a hurry. Since this is a one lane highway, common courtesy would tell you that people should follow behind until the next passing lane arrives. Don't expect the locals to follow suit, if you are enjoying a leisurely drive at 50 mph, do yourself a favor and move over to the shoulder. This allows them to pass and you to keep going on your way without honking, name-calling, hand gestures, and the like.
Another passing problem this time of year is DEER. Those cute, cuddly creatures you've seen in the movies are nothing but common pests along this highway. Be wary of them darting out in front of you while doing high speeds because it may not be just one. Damaged cars and trucks are a common occurrence that cost time and money. At dusk and after dark is when it's hardest to spot these animals so keep an eye out for them.
All in all this road offers more than transportation. With it's gorgeous scenery and wild life abundance it's no wonder people call this highway home. To anyone passing through, be sure to take this 22 mile stretch, just make sure you do it from the shoulder and watch out for Dead Man's Curve!

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